

I’m Amy Womersley digital and graphic designer with a strange addiction to the use of circles! (maybe its because its a symbol of unity every brand needs that!) originally from Nottingham having moved to London to see the Queen obviously.. I’m trying to find my way after University having studied at the University of Greenwich. I moved to Greenwich where I was employed at a furniture company and excited to see where graphic design will take me! I moved to Leeds with my fiance where I worked for a beautiful Cashmere retailer in Harrogate. I’ve since moved on after a stint at an agency in Leeds working with La Redoute and I’m now moved on to work with freemans in Bradford. I have a Passion for brands and retail and have built a career in both the fashion and retail industry. I am what is typically referred to as a unicorn because I can both design and code! If you fancy a chat about design or have any exciting projects just drop me a line on my contacts page.

anyway enjoy!

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